
International Projects


Training of adult trainers

Since 2005, we have participated in the development and management of all types of educational programmes, actively collaborating in their implementation and development in different countries, mainly in the American continent.

We have participated in the creation of educational content in less developed areas, prioritising the criteria of effectiveness, universality of information and training, and sustainable development.

We have trained groups of educators from Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Colombia, who have been responsible for adapting the methodology we have taught them to their own social reality.


We participate in European projects, such as Erasmus+. In addition to participating both as partners and coordinators, we also write applications and advise and support local entities that want to participate in European projects.

The latest projects in which Edensol has participated are related to the support of low-educated and low-skilled older adults.

“El proyecto LearnersMot2 es una continuación del proyecto Erasmus+ LearnersMot y se enfoca directamente en los educadores de adultos y, de manera indirecta, en los trabajadores de edad a…
“El proyecto “”Cómo fomentar la motivación inicial de los adultos con bajo nivel educativo para aprender utilizando las herramientas TIC”” tiene como objetivo trabajar junto a los educado…